Friday, November 16, 2012

State of The Nation

My weight is now 95 KG - waist size down to 97 cm, so 10 KG lost and over 10 cm off waist since started beginning of this calendar year. In addition to creatine-mono hydrate and whey protein isolate, have also started supplementing with L-Carnitine capsules.
Unfortunately in mid October, I developed tendinopathy in right elbow - classically called tennis elbow. I did it testing myself by seeing if I could do chin ups since I lost the weight and have gained in strength in back exercises. Turns out I could, doing 4 reps and could have done a few more except for pain in right elbow. Pain got progressively worse after pull downs and cable rows to the point I had to stop single Dumb Rows after 1 set.
I did another leg workout and limited chest & triceps workouts but decided to rest elbow. Last workout 31 October - then had business trip in Brisbane, daughters 16th birthday, Melbourne up and finally golf trip away 8-12 Nov.
Saw a physio before that - confirmed my diagnosis and so have rested and applied ice/heat plus stretching. it's still not 1005 but I'll go back to the Dome on Monday and if required, work around it. Will also commence a daily cardio (probably walking) except for Leg days. really want to get to 90KG or 92ccm waist, whatever comes first. measured myself for a business shirt recently and have dropped a collar size (down from 48 to 46)!
Love it.