Monday, September 22, 2014

Blackmore's Running Festival - Sydney Harbour Bridge 9klm Run

So on Sunday 21st September, competed in the Bridge Run. First time I've run that far without walking! I was really happy with result.
Finished in 52 minutes, 47 seconds, my overall rank was 3,270 out of 11,956 finishers; in my category (male, age 50-59) I was 180th out of 521.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back on the Horse

I took a week off after the City To Surf, no legs at the Dome and no running. I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of muscle soreness, I suspect this to be due to my running preparation but also the resistance training (squats, leg presses, leg curls and extensions). But maybe it's also due to an injury enforced 6 week lay-off from running (ankle tenosynovitis) - big thanks to my physio for all his help and keeping my impatience to return to running under control.

Kicked off running training again in prep for the Blackmore's Running Festival (9 kilometre Harbour Bridge Run). Just doing 5 kilometre runs in my lunch break, but striving for average splits of 5m:30s kilometres. So far, been doing 2-3 runs per week (bloody weather permitting!), and if necessary, some post-gym cardio on treadmill.

Most recent one was great - MapMyRun Monday1st Sept - followed by legs at the gym, surprisingly not causing performance to diminish. Actually I went up a little in weight, pyramiding with a client of Sasho in the squat rack instead of my static weight/rep range. Maybe it was Sasho's presence?

Weather in Sydney crappy today - but unless it's bucketing down, another 5 kilometre run is on the cards tomorrow. Next week, look at upping distance to 6 kilometres, but maybe just twice a week?

Anyway, good night peeps!