Saturday, June 27, 2015

Getting Close To The Event

Ciao ragazzi! (Hi guys)

I've finished week 2 of Italian classes, so 'scusi' if I throw in the occasional Italian phrase.

Since last post, progress has been very good.

I made a slight change to training program effective last week. Decided no run can be less than 6 kilometres, but I have reduced the frequency to 3 to 4 runs per week. Aiming for same sub 6 minute per kilometre pace.

So far this week I averaged 6.3 kilometres each run, longest 7, all within pace range. Will use my Sunday run as the distance marker test, looking to add distance each week until I get to 9 or 10 kilometres. 

I need to look for suitable steep and lengthy hills as preparation for City To Surf, might do this hill work separately from distance training.

I am also fundraising for, which is Australia’s leading online youth mental health service, where you can get the help you need, where and when you need it.

So if you would like to donate, please follow this link

Thanks for the kind donations so far - hoping I can get some more before the race in August.


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