Friday, August 19, 2016

Wow! Tough but satisfying.

Hi Everyone,

Well the City To Surf is over for another year. After an inauspicious start, I managed to finish in a 3rd best time of 97 minutes - I know, I know, your'e saying "but Guy, it's only the third time you've run it!".
True, I have entered 10 times (7 times a walker) but only been a runner the last 3 so 3rd fastest means my slowest run. But I ran most of the race - when I walked, it was during a drink stations and once or twice  I walked for maybe 15-20 metres each time. Not bad given my injury riddled preparation!

Best news is that my Achilles tendon pulled up really well. Ironically my right knee was pretty sore, gave me grief at around the 11-12 kilometre mark. But I reckon this was just due to lack of kilometres in the months prior to the race.

So feeling confident I might give the Blackmore's Running Festival, doing the 10K Bridge Run (or if I can remain injury free, maybe the Half Marathon is still a chance? Big thanks to my physiotherapist Felicity Macarthur at Sydney Physio Solutions (

Watch for the next blog - I took this week off running and now I'm galvanized to begin training next week!


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