Saturday, December 21, 2013

Results from my 6 week body transformation are in. Loss of 5.6kg, and body fat from 30% to 26%. Interestingly, calliper tests showed I lost more fat from my back than stomach, and that my arms gained muscle and lost fat as they remained same circumference but with reduction in fat percentage.

Overall, happy given in the 6 weeks I had my annual golf trip away with mates (try NOT drinking beer and over-eating in a shared house with 10 mates for a long weekend!) AND our work Xmas Party AND my annual Xmas Drink with mates from our park footy (Rugby League).

At the moment, we are in Xmas mode so nutrition has gone off track a little, but will recover as soon as we get past Boxing Day on 26th December. I'll still do gym and cardio so shouldn't be too much of an issue.

The shots on the left are the before photos.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Well, at the half way mark of the 6 week Beach Body Challenge, I'd lost 3 kilograms. I have been given some very positive feedback from gym owner. I'm not sure of the measurements (skin folds, weight etc) but I figured there must have been some improvement based on weight loss.

Today we had last weigh in and measurements. Lost another 2.6 kilograms, total of 5.6 kilograms in 6 weeks.

Not bad considering I had a work Xmas Party on Friday night followed by another big drink with school mates the next night. Both finishing at around 3am!

I should find out the other measurements this week or at latest on Sunday night at the gym Christmas Party. I will keep up the nutrition program and slightly modify gym program back a notch. Any cardio will include some work designed to get my heart rate elevated for short periods.

Christmas coming up so I will allow myself a little bit of leeway.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Well, since last blog, as luck would have it, my gym is conducting a 6 week Beach Body Challenge. So it kicked off on 21st October with some measurements (skin folds, weight etc). Just as well because October was DEFINITELY not Ocsober for me.

Two work off-site conferences, a leader summit and Bathurst V8 weekend. Add to that a long weekend away playing golf with mates.

Anyway, back into it this week - clocked up 14 kilometres walking along with 2 gym sessions. Will keep my head down (well mostly, have a 50th birthday party to go to this Saturday).
I will let you all know at the 3 week mark where we have progress measurements done.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Spring has sprung in Australia

Just an update - I power walked the 14km City To Surf fun run but didn't crack the 100 minute barrier, or even match last years PB of 102 minutes. I did it this year in 104 minutes.

My mistake was not enough hill training. I spent a lot of petrol walking fast up 'Heartbreak Hill', and had little left for the 6km ending to Bondi Beach. A lesson for next year.

Back to doing just 3 X 5km walks during the week, but with better weather, I'll also go to gym straight from work and maybe walk home (about 3km) so this will be in addition to the 5km lunchtime walks.

When I renew my gym (Leisuredome Gym) membership in November, I plan to ask for a program from gym owner Sasho Ogenovski to try and get my body fat low enough to just see my abs.
See you later peeps!

City To Surf 2013 results

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Funny how the little things can all add up. My wife used to make me a coffee after dinner, and she would buy me chocolate to have with it. Just a few squares here and there, how much harm could that do? Interestingly, when I checked out the caloric count I was shocked. a few hundred calories at a time, over a week, it compounds. So I cut that out, now only maybe once a week. My weight is now 95.75 kg - City to Surf training is going well, only 2 weeks to go. Did a 10 klm walk a few weeks back (Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10 klm run), 72 minutes, recovered well. Will hit out with around 4 sessions this week (at least 7 klm distances). Then taper off in last week before race - aiming for 98 minutes. Gym training going well - slight change to go back to prior body part routine of chest & arms, back & delts and legs - 3 sessions per week - might add a day I think.
50th Birthday 201

February 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Half way through 2013

Well, weight has pretty much remained static. I still fit into my 'thinner' clothes but really want to tighten up. I found out recently that the age entry point for Masters in Natural Bodybuilding is 40+!

So at the ripe old age of 51, I am considering entering 2014 Australian Natural Bodybuilding contest! I will start in July 2013, I need to re-visit my eating, and be more scientific.

My City To Surf 2013 training is going well. I am walking 7 to 8 kilometres, twice a week, with my time being 50 minutes or less, average speed about 7 minutes per kilometre. At this rate, with over 2 months to go, I can get under 100 minutes especially with the route being predominantly downhill from about the 10 kilometre mark.

In terms of my gym training, and contest aspirations, I need to start to see some vascularity. I'll probably ramp up my walking training to 3 x 7-8 kilometre walks from mid June. Added to my revised dietary regime, I am hoping to see some results by the time I walk the C2S in August.