Monday, December 2, 2013

Well, at the half way mark of the 6 week Beach Body Challenge, I'd lost 3 kilograms. I have been given some very positive feedback from gym owner. I'm not sure of the measurements (skin folds, weight etc) but I figured there must have been some improvement based on weight loss.

Today we had last weigh in and measurements. Lost another 2.6 kilograms, total of 5.6 kilograms in 6 weeks.

Not bad considering I had a work Xmas Party on Friday night followed by another big drink with school mates the next night. Both finishing at around 3am!

I should find out the other measurements this week or at latest on Sunday night at the gym Christmas Party. I will keep up the nutrition program and slightly modify gym program back a notch. Any cardio will include some work designed to get my heart rate elevated for short periods.

Christmas coming up so I will allow myself a little bit of leeway.

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