Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Successful Trial Run For City To Surf

Hi folks, 

I ran in the Real Insurance 10K run on Sunday 12th July to see how my fitness, speed and endurance was travelling. 

Pleased to announce I completed the run in 56 minutes, 6 seconds, and didn't feel too busted. Although it's a relatively flat circuit, it was bitterly cold morning, windy and so all in all, a good outcome. 

My result from Real Insurance 10K run

With less than 4 weeks to go, I recommenced running a few days after the run, back now to more of the 6-7 kilometre runs with some more hill runs and a longer run about 2 weeks out. I was on the Gold Coast (Queensland, Australia) for a 3 day work conference, still managed to get in a 6 kilometre run whilst up there.

Finally tipped my donation total to $527.75 so with my employer (Suncorp Group) matching me $ for $ up to $500, I am officially over $1,000! Whoo Hoo!

Bye for now.


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