Saturday, August 1, 2015

Uh Oh! Not Again

Hi Peeps,

You wouldn't believe it. Just 10 days ago I was at a work related activity which required us to physically restrain a colleague as part of a development exercise. I didn't feel it at the time, but I may have aggrivated that ankle injury I had last year.

The following day (Friday 24th July), did a 6k run, no problem but felt a little twinge the next day - another run on the Sunday, just another small 6k run, felt OK running but the next day, ankle felt 'weak' when using stairs (up and down).

So I decided to not run again until Sunday 9th August (City To Surf). Today it is a bit better but not 100%.

My wife wants me to visit my physiotherapist but I reckon he'll suggest I sit out the run - no way!

My efforts so far got me pumped for it, so I'll proceed as I reckon my fitness won't deteriorate too much by then. I'm having a massage today, will ask her to focus on quads and calves as I suspect this may be a contributing factor (tightened up, pulling on ankle tendons.

Next post will be after the run - I hope I can finish and run well - I feel like by the time race day is here, my ankle will be right.

Talk soon.


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