Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sometimes, life just gets in the way

Well, well, my first week of 8 week body challenge, I punished myself in the gym over 4 successive days because I knew that as I was going to watch Bathurst 100 V8 Supercar race. It's a 3 day weekend (10th to 13th October) camping up the mountain with plenty of beer, no protein shakes but lots of BBQ'd protein. Tried to be measured in food intake but also reasonable thought to having fun.

Came home on the Monday 13th and decided to go for a run to begin the detox. About 3 kilometres in, felt something 'go' in my left calf. Stopped running, still went to gym that night, but next day went to physio and had diagnosis of grade 1 calf strain. Treatment sorted it out although had to give running a rest for a few days. So, flogged myself at gym Monday to Thursday even when in Brisbane for work - found a gym up there (Goodlife Health Club). No workout on Friday (4 days in a row is hard enough on my old body).

Then, up to Brisbane again for work function and catch up with a mate. Again, my Achilles heel of my celebration style, beer, was involved. I did manage to keep nutritional intake good (although did sneak in some carbs on Saturday afternoon/night).

So this week, back to normal you think? Well no, as my annual Golf Safari with mates starts on Wednesday 22nd October, in Mornington Peninsula! So, I'll smash myself for the next 2 nights, and also in cardio. I fly to Melbourne at 11am on Wednesday.

I fly back into Sydney on Tuesday 26th October, and so I should have some 'clean air'. I still have a few single events in November but mostly dinners or afternoons out. A footy club reunion on 15th, a manager work offsite in Melbourne on 19-20 November.

My point here, and tying back to the heading of this post, I exercise to live, not live to exercise. By that I mean, my 'healthstyle' needs to adapt to my lifestyle and social life. That's all for now. I'll check in after my golf holiday.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

It's begun - 8 week body challenge 2014

Well, I am super stoked! I just compared my measurements from Monday 6th October 2014 to my last measurements from the 6 week body challenge on 29th November 2013.

I'll share all the measurements:
  • Weight decreased by 2 kilograms (2.17% drop).
  • Bicep fat% dropped 50%
  • Triceps fat% increased 8% (this one confused me)
  • Iliac fat% was unchanged (bloody love handles!)
  • Back fat% dropped 17.5%
  • Total Body Fat% dropped 25.8% (now under 20%!)
Interestingly, measurements of arms, chest and thighs didn't drastically reduce, suggesting better tone and muscularity?
  • Arm measurements dropped 1.3%
  • Waist measurement dropped 3.6%
  • Chest measurements dropped 3.6%
  • Thigh measurements dropped 1.6%
So to the program - a mixture of high intensity training using tri-set supersets with minimal (1 minute) rests between sets & 'regular' workouts, divided into upper and lower body. rest times more or less mirror my usual workouts. Every day involves some cardio, more on weekends where no workouts scheduled.

I must say, first 2 workouts which are high intensity but minimal rest were challenging. The 'trick' was finding the poundages to use that would make for a hard 12 or 15 rep set without being unable to complete 5 sets without hitting failure too quickly. I went pretty well, having to adjust poundages on workout 2 at around 4th set (of 5). The superset program is very time efficient but intense.

Nutrition plan easy to follow - with lots of information on swapping things and options. Interestingly, if anything, eating more than I normally would, especially breakfast and snacks.

Now I have a 'challenging' October - on Friday 10th I travel to Mount Panorama to watch V8 Supercar racing - a weekend of lots of beer, but a high protein diet (lots of BBQ meat). Then on Wednesday 22nd I travel to the Mornington Peninsula for a golfing trip away, again, similar diet to Bathurst. But the good news is that this is an 8 week challenge, so I have some time to recover.

Will update you again next week after my return from Bathurst.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

New 8 Week Summer Body Transformation Challenge 2014

Hi Peeps, Leisuredome Gym is running another challenge. This time, it's 8 weeks not 6, and starts Monday 6th October.

We get weighed and measured on Monday, and provided with a program (nutrition and training).
I have been trying to recalibrate my training in gym with my cardio (running). Since last organised run, I've been just doing 5klm runs about 3 times per week but need to ensure I avoid doing legs at gym on same day I run.

I'll continue with 4 gym sessions per week. I really enjoy current program of Chest & Biceps on training day1, then Back & Triceps, Legs, Delts, Calves & Traps. I workout every other day except Sunday and Monday. I'll make sure I don't run on Legs day. I plan to run on my 'off' gym days and do 15-20 minute treadmill walking after each workout session.

It'll be a tough month in October - have Bathurst V8 weekend camping on Mount Panorama, where diet usually 'compromised' (insert beer drinking). Then later in month, 5 days on a golfing trip away, again, nutrition compromised. Will try to have a few runs on the golf trip to offset the fun.

I'll update with measurements, weight and maybe a 'before' photo. Hoping to get to 87kg?