Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Shit just got real

Hi Peeps,

Well, I bit the bullet and registered to run in the Sydney City To Surf 14k run on August 9th. I am going to fund raise for Reachout.com who provide great support services across a range of areas but in particular, tools to support young people contemplating suicide as a way out of the darkness.

So if you can donate, that's awesome. the attached link will help if you can see your way to a donation - https://give.everydayhero.com/au/guy-picone-running-for-charity.

I have been doing 2-3 small runs (about 4.5 to 5.5 kilometres) per week in the last 3 weeks,m but now looking to go to 4-5 runs per week, with a 'long run' per week (so next week my long run is looking like being 8 kilometres.

In July I will give the Real Insurance 10 kilometre run a crack to see where my fitness level is at in preparation for City To Surf.

Really stoked my ankle is coping well, it's still gets a little sore but nowhere near as bad - my dicky knee still lets me know it's there,

Anyway - I will keep you posted on my progress.


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